The Pirate Captain, Chronicles of a Legend

This adult historical fiction is a seafaring adventure meant to entertain both the sailor and the landlubber. Having lost hearth and heart to the Stuart Uprising, CATE MACKENZIE, a fugitive war criminal, purchases passage on a ship bound for the West Indies. En route she is kidnapped-a case of mistaken identity-by CAPTAIN NATHANAEL BLACKTHORNE, the pirate captain. Accustomed to blood, musket and cannon, life aboard the pirate ship isn't the hell Cate expects. She is instantly drawn into Nathan's bloody rivalry against LORD BREASTON CRESWICKE-the man who forced Nathan into piracy-and COMMODORE ROGER HARTE, Creswicke's puppet. They are an "unholy alliance" of ambition and power, Nathan a rat terrier on their heels. The impending arrival of Creswicke's fiancĂ© is too much temptation. This is a story of two scarred people, blinded by their defenses. It's the story of trust, or rather, the lack of. It's the story of a loss of faith and disbelief that Providence might ever smile again.(less) 
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1 comment :

  1. Rated it a 5 star on Amazon and Goodreads.
    Pirate Captain a great read on the real world of pirates. Finally something written for someone over 18, I love the characters special Captain Nathan, Cate, and Thomas for a landlubber like myself what a thrill to be sailing on a tall "pirate" ship and able to visual see "in words" life on the high seas.
    The Pirate Captain is a one of a kind novel (more to come) it is a cross of Gone with the Wind meet Pirates of the Caribbean/Master & Commander and heaven help anyone that would try and tell Captain Blackthorne that he is a fictional character; it will not be me!


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