The Eyes that Drowned Uyuni

"I am here. All yours. In this moment. With no past, and an unknown future. I am here, with you, right now." 

"Yes....", I had no clue where this was going. 

"You, the keeper of my soul", she was looking straight into me now with her sharp, honest, and gullible eyes. 

"Will you marry me?" 

My heart stopped for an eternity. 

I realized: my desire to own her, was no longer awake. 

Suddenly, this was not an animal game anymore. 

She was not a prey. 

And I was no longer a predator. 

She was getting into me - through my eyes. 

She could see me. 

She could feel me. 

Knowing nothing about my fights, my love, my crusades, she was there - asking me an honest question.


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